Trusted and Actively Used By
Advance Applications For Management
Learning and Tests Conducted by
Take paperless attendance on mobile app.
Manage Complex timetables and schedules.
Take exams online with advanced result analytics.
Automatic custom report card generation.
Manage subjects easily.
Create daily lesson plans on app.
Create and maintain complex syllabus structures.
Plan your academics with ease.
Give assignment and take submissions through app.
GPS based commute tracking without hardware.
Manage student and staff leaves like a breeze.
Create and manage custom admission process.
Manage your fees and collections through app.
Industry leading integrations to accept payments online.
Self and 360 degree Appraisal System.
Create & Publish announcements on the go with your audience.
Create events, meetings and get real time notifications.
Create and manage holidays for students and staff.
Create and manage groups within your stakeholders.
Manage students health records easily.
Stay connected with latest news, circulars and events.
Manage and convert enquiries into admissions easily.
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